10 things I wish I knew in nursing school

Surviving nursing school is no easy feat! If you made it to the other side, congrats! If you didn’t and plan on giving it another try, here are a few things I wish I knew while attending nursing school. 

Textbook is not real world - You will learn many things that are necessary for your success as a nurse via a textbook but there are just some things that you will not learn until you are actually in the field working. Experience some often say, is the best teacher.  

Pay attention to what really piques your interest - This will assist you in finding what it is that you love in order to help pick a specialization in nursing. If you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life.  


Find a study buddy. Quickly! – No man is island! At first, I thought I could go it alone, but I quickly learned such was not the case. Studying in a group really helped me home in on particular studying skills and to better retain vital information. It also created a bond between myself and my study group knowing that we were all in it together.     

You don’t always need the latest edition of a textbook - More often than not textbooks are re-written with a newer edition as a way to make money however for some textbooks it is essential to have the latest edition because updates to the medical world happens quite often. There are also times where your professor gives you most of the information you need via Powerpoints and handouts. An easy way to find out if this is the case is to review past comments of past students. 

If you can afford to take summer classes to finish early or take core class in high school - This will help you save time and sometimes money. Many high schools now offer for students to take college credits while still in high school. Take advantage of this advantage.  

An expensive university teaches the same classes as a community college - If I had the chance to do it all again, I would not have gone away to college. I would’ve stayed at my local community college and taken the core classes and pre-requisites needed for nursing school first and then continue on into the nursing program at a local state or community college. The financial burden taken on is not always worth it, especially if you can get the same education for a lower cost.  


Networking is key - It is good to make friends/acquatiances with those in the profession. As you go through nursing school, you will meet many people while at school or during a rotation. You never know if you may run across that person again in the future who can help you get into a particular job or help you along the way.  

Stay in good grace with your professors - You will come across some professors who are absolutely wonderful and some that simply are not. In any case, try to stay on their good side. They can sometimes be the difference whether you pass or fail if you are borderline with your grades. You may also need recommendations for further education or potential job in the future.  

Include getting a Masters degree – There are a lot of opportunities in nursing that can be acquired through a higher degree. If you plan on obtaining your Masters, I would go straight and finish while you still have the momentum and to finish school.  

Aspire to specialize  –  While still in school, listen to what speaks to you. Nursing is very broad and his will lead you to areas that you can specialize in. Become an expert at what you do. There are many certifications that you can obtain in certain specialties. It gives you an empowering feeling which can lead to job satisfaction and better care. Becoming certified also ensures you an increase in salary.  


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