The 7 best New Year’s resolutions for nurses

One of the best ways to usher in 2023 is to devise a list of lifestyle changes and goals. While you may have personal resolutions, including those related to your career and nursing profession. Don’t have ideas in mind? Here are some of the best New Year’s resolutions for nurses.

Take care of your health

Nurses are in the profession of taking care of people’s health. Often, nurses can get so busy with work that they sometimes forget to watch their health. One of the best New Year’s resolutions for nurses is to pay more attention to one’s health.

While taking care of others, you should also allot time and effort to care for yourself. This includes eating nutritious food, exercising, and getting enough sleep. These three items are most important if you want to have excellent health.

Do get regular checkups. If you feel something is wrong with your body, do not hesitate to see a doctor and run some laboratory tests as required. Healthcare workers need to be cared for, too.

Eat more healthy food

Very much related to the first resolution mentioned, you should review your eating habits and eat healthier. A healthy diet is a balanced diet, so get a good mix of protein, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables.

If you are into fast food, you do not need to scrap it entirely, especially if it brings you joy. It is right to reward yourself from time to time. What you can do is eat processed and junk food in moderation.

Eat more leafy greens, vegetables, and home-cooked meals. Learn to do simple meal preparation if cooking isn’t your thing. 

Listen to yourself

The human body has its way of telling you what it needs. If you have been sleep-deprived for quite some time, you may notice that you get easily irritated, feel tired, and are lethargic. This is your body’s way of saying you should rest.

If your tummy is grumbling while you finish tasks, munch on healthy snacks like nuts or a granola bar as you work. Your body is telling you it needs energy and can’t go any further.

Exercise more often if you quickly get tired when walking or climbing stairs. It may be your body telling you that you need more physical activity.

Listening to what your body tells you is among the best New Year’s resolutions for nurses that you should follow. Do not ignore the signs that your body is showing. Act on it before the situation gets worse, and you get sick.

Move your body

Good health is more than just eating greens and having 8 to 10 hours of sleep. It also entails moving your body and exercising. 

One resolution that you should have as a nurse is to move your body more. Squeezing in exercise in your daily routine will do your body and mind good.

You don’t have to get a gym membership or run a marathon. All you have to do is spend a few minutes of your day doing simple exercises. This can include jumping jacks, early morning stretches, yoga, or brisk walking.

Work smart

Working hard is good and well-appreciated, but you must also learn to work smart. Part of our list of best New Year’s resolutions for nurses is finding ways to work smarter. This means managing your tasks well so that you are more efficient as a nurse. 

You do not necessarily have to take shortcuts. See how you can work faster and more effectively to save time while providing quality care. While doing that, remember that the health and safety of your patients are the top priority. 

Work smart, efficiently, and with care and love.

Go out of your comfort zone

No one knows everything right away. There will always be something unfamiliar to you that will make you feel uneasy. It can be a new field in nursing, a new task or role you have to take on, or a new routine. 

This new year, do not be afraid to leave your comfort zone. It may feel uncomfortable initially, but it is where you will grow significantly.

Try new things and assignments even when you do not know how to do them well. Remember that everyone starts somewhere. Constant and consistent practice paired with determination will help you hone your skills.

Grow your professional network

More than just growing as an individual, it also helps in your career if you expand your professional network. Go out and meet people in your field. 

Join clubs, organizations, and groups composed of people in the medical society. Participate in initiatives like charities and medical missions. You will also find more work opportunities and connections by meeting other people.

Create your New Year’s resolutions

The best New Year’s resolutions for nurses involve holistic growth — taking care of your body physically, working more efficiently, learning to step out of your comfort zone, and growing your professional circle. It would help if you considered the different aspects of your life to be the best individual and nurse you can be.


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