In The Field: Nurse Lesa discusses how fulfilling it is to graduate as a nurse and make a difference in the lives of your patients.

An addiction specialty nurse in Michigan, Lesa Pongracz, LPN, encourages nursing students to keep going no matter how mentally, physically and emotionally challenging nursing school is. 

Q. TRUE or FALSE: “Nurses eat their young.”

I’ve been lucky enough to have some of the best mentors in my nursing career thus far. I believe there are bad apples, if you will, everywhere you go within the nursing field but when you focus on what’s truly important everything else on the side doesn’t matter. I aim to make a difference in my patient’s lives for the better- and working as a team is an important step in this process!

Lesa Pongracz LPN

Lesa Pongracz, LPN

Q. What is your specialty and where are you based?

My specialty is addictions and I work in Michigan.

Q. What does cultural competence mean for healthcare providers?

Cultural competence means providing equal care for all patients and doing so in a respectful manner.

Q. Given the opportunity to speak to yourself on Day 1 of nursing school, what advice would you give?

This is going to be hard but you are going to get through this and make a difference in your patients lives! This is going to mentally challenge you, physically challenge you, and emotionally affect you some days. But once it’s over, you will walk across the stage - and it will be a proud moment, Les. You are meant for this.


In the Field: Nurse Lima discusses how she shared skills and tools she learned as a nursing student in her Masters program to assist nursing students in finishing their studies.


In The Field: Nurse Colleen describes how working with supportive and helpful colleagues help her get through difficult days.