In The Field: An ICU nurse shows us how to stand up for ourselves

Today, we’re shining the spotlight on Stephanie Showalter, a cardiovascular ICU nurse from Phoenix, AZ. She gives advice to her younger self, tells new graduates to stand-up and reminds seasoned nurses that they used to be young and inexperienced too!

TRUE or FALSE: “Nurses eat their young.”  


Unfortunately I think this is true. It would be nice to see the culture change however I think the saying “old habits die hard” and it is often easy to forget that you/we were once a new nurse just learning to walk before we run.

What is your specialty and where are you based?

Cardiovascular ICU, Sacramento, CA and Phoenix, AZ

Any self care or mental health tips for new nurses? 

Stand up for yourself. Don’t allow yourself to be walked on or disrespected by patients, patients families, physicians, etc. Allow yourself to grieve when’re still human. You’re going to make mistakes....again you’re human....forgive yourself and find something positive as the takeaway. And lastly if you ever find yourself forgetting your why, find yourself constantly unhappy or angry...step away from the bedside or your current job and try something new. Nursing is a vast profession with tremendous opportunity for movement and growth....find a spot that fills your soul and makes you remember your why.

If given the opportunity to speak to yourself on Day 1 of nursing school, what advice would you give? 

You don’t know what you don’t know! Ask questions and don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid to take the difficult patients...challenge yourself, ask the tough questions and never stop learning. The mountain may be high and the curve steep but that steep curve makes you one heck of a strong nurse!


Advice for New Nurse Grads 101


Non-Hospital Nursing Professions