In The Field: Nurse Vanessa encourages everyone to trust your critical thinking skills and faith with God whenever creating decisions in nursing

Pre-Op/Recovery. San Diego, CA nurse Vanessa BSN RN believed that critical thinking skills, questioning, and faith in God are essential for making the best nursing decisions.

Q: TRUE or FALSE: “Nurses eat their young.” 

A: False

in the field nurse vanessa

Vanessa BSN RN

Q: What is your specialty and where are you based? 

A: I’ve worked all over but right now I am working in Pre-Op/Recovery. San Diego, CA

Q:  Any self care or mental health tips for new nurses? 

A: Nursing is our passion & career but you are much more than your career! Take time to spend time with loved ones, it is not time wasted.

Q: Given the opportunity to speak to yourself on Day 1 of nursing school, what advice would you give?:

A: Keep trusting God for all of your decisions in nursing, use your critical thinking & never be afraid to ask questions!


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