Introducing a brand new podcast: Insider’s Perspective of Nursing | The Podcast

This isn’t your average pod. Our NurseDeck hosts interview the industry’s leading professionals to share stories with you about all things nursing! We hear from professionals from all walks of nursing life—in academia, at the bedside, in the C-suites of administration, and those at the forefront of nurse-led innovation.

  • Actionable advice you can use right away

  • Real-life experiences

  • You’ll also hear from nurses working to improve nursing through technology and community building

Learn from industry experts like…

Our first three episodes cover a diverse nursing experience:

Ryann Mason is a “nurse on wheels” - living with Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome and rocking a wheelchair! She’s Ms. Wheelchair Virginia 2020 and 2021, and speaks about nursing, sex positivity, and being a disabled nurse and athlete online at @chronically_ry.

Dr. Danielle McCamey is a Black DNP who created a community for nurses with advanced degrees - DNPs of Color - so everyone after her has that space to benefit from. Her non-hierarchical approach to leadership reflects her generous and down-to-earth energy.

Cassie Boyd - a passionate nurse coach - speaks on the personal experiences that led her to pursue a career in nurse coaching. She’s a nursepreneur doing exactly what she’s meant to do, and it shows.

Become an insider and be the first to get the latest on the nurse industry. Subscribe to Insider’s Perspective of Nursing on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.


In The Field: Nurse Avery believed that every nurse must learn to take care of their mental health by taking time for themselves.


How the student loan pause is affecting nurses