Self-Care Tips For Getting Through a Pandemic

Due to the pandemic, we're all experiencing some kind of hardship or struggle. Everything we’ve done in the past to help us decompress has changed in some way. We've been forced to self-isolate and refrain from social activities for the greater good of the human population. As a result, some of us are experiencing separation anxiety, cabin fever, or depression due to lack of direct human contact. As nurses, these feelings and experiences can be doubled by what we encounter daily at work.

As nurses, we see and deal with panic and devastation on a daily basis. Then, go home to deal with the reality of having to quarantine ourselves. Normally, in a pre-covid world, we were able to go have dinner with friends after work or go on a weekend trip to take a break. We're all a little jaded at this point, but don't be discouraged! As nurses, it’s even more important that we prioritize our mental and physical well being, even when it’s hard to do so. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we be able to take care of our patients? There's a few things we can do to keep ourselves entertained, healthy and uplifted during the pandemic. Below are some great options we may want to consider.


Home Spa Day:

Whether it's a long soak in a hot bath or giving yourself a facial to clear up your mask acne. YouTube is a great resource to find mask recipes. Remember, we deserve it and are entitled to treat ourselves on occasion for all the hard work we do.

Draw or Paint:

Drawing or painting can be very therapeutic (art therapy is an actual profession and form of therapy). Add a glass of wine and we're golden. We’re not seeing all these paint & sip stores popping up for nothing, right? Since we can't partake in those public spaces due to the pandemic, doing it at home is the next best thing. Then we don't have to worry about people judging our artwork. 

Catch Up on Your Favorite T.V. Shows:

Sometimes just sitting and watching your favorite t.v. shows is all you need. Take time to catch up on a series or watch something new like, “Bridgerton” on Netflix, to see what all the fuss is about. Then, we can chat about it with our friends to share a laugh or two.

Getting Rest:

Good old fashioned sleep should be a priority. Especially for an essential worker, we work long days and need a good night's sleep to heal and recharge for work.

Learning A New Skill:

For all the optimists and overachievers out there that want to use this excess alone time to be more productive. Look into learning a new skill or hobby. It could be learning a new language by using an app like Duolingo or obtaining an online certification. Also, your new skill could potentially become a new business opportunity for those with an entrepreneurial spirit. Either way, seize the day!


4 Kid-Friendly Spots for Nurse Parents: O.C. Edition


In The Field: An advanced oncology nurse practitioner and a nurse manager offer advice