Nursing Student Must Haves & Essentials

College is definitely a milestone moment in a student’s life, especially if you are a first generation student. If you are or were a nursing student, you know all about the long (long) nights of studying and working towards graduation and passing your NCLEX.

College is also a unique time in life where you gain independence, pursue your interests and/or passions, and experience things that you can only experience in college. Like dorming, for example! Or eating more warmed meals than you maybe ever thought you would in your life!

Being a nursing student is not without its challenges, but having an understanding of the must haves and essentials helps. As your nursing community and resource, we’re here to help!

Essentials Category 1: Office Supplies and Tech

A proper stock of nursing school supplies will come in handy - trust us on this one! Don’t let things like clicky pens, notebooks and highlighters become an afterthought. While technology is evolving to the point where it can store all of the information you'll ever need, such as notes and PDFs, don't underrate the power of your favorite pen or highlighters.

Taking notes is an essential part of any students’ life, but this could not be more true for aspiring nurses! Ask any nurse you know - notes are our thing.

Tech also comes in handy, especially in this virtual world! At this stage, a strong WiFi connection and the ability to connect to your peers, professors and lectures via Zoom are a way of life. Having a gadget that you can carry about the house, to the coffee shop, and to the library is an essential, whether you prefer the convenience and utility of a laptop or prefer the convenience and adaptability of a tablet.

While you’re out shopping for your devices, some additional things to consider purchasing if you can swing it are wireless accessories (keyboard, mouse, etc) and a solid pair of headphones. You do not have to break the bank to buy these things but headphones will definitely make your life easier!

A voice recorder is another useful tool to use. You can use it to record your findings, learning, and realizations about the various lessons, procedures, and tasks you've learned.

If you like studying with music or want to watch some tv in your downtime without disturbing others, they will definitely help! Or, let’s be real, drowning out any noise you may be experiencing at home or at the coffee shop.

The added benefit of being virtual is that you can take advantage of resources and events that you may not have access to in person! Joining communities (ahem) and attending conferences, panels or meetups are a great way to gain exposure to nurses from across the 50 states (literally!) or even in another country. We are more linked than ever before, which is especially beneficial if you live in a state without the same level of support and resources as a large state college or city.

Essentials Category 2:  Food, Drink and Clothing Needs

Sometimes the hours, days and even weeks blur together when you’re in college! There are so many things to keep track of between assignments, deadlines and studying that it feels like there’s not enough time in a day. We’ve been there…

However as much as you want to take care of your school responsibilities, we’d be at a loss if we didn’t take a moment to encourage you to take care of yourself! It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and ignore basic needs like your hunger, hydration and comfort.

While it may to be tempting to just power through, your future self will definitely thank you later. The truth is that nursing is a very demanding field, and it may never slow down. So you might as well make sure that you take care of yourself and avoid burnout!

If you attend classes in person and are able to pack your own lunch, this will come in clutch when you are between classes or studying. You can opt for a lunchbag (or not) but a couple of containers of food will always do some good.

If you’re studying at home, meal prep is your best friend! Check out our blog post on this exact topic for more tips! While you’re at it, get yourself an insulated water bottle to keep some on hand at all times. Staying hydrated really makes a difference too.

This last one might seem silly but also makes a big difference: a great pair of sneakers and comfortable socks. Compression socks are even better! If the thought of compression socks make you think of elderly folks, the good news is that there are so many cute options that are also practical and not your grandparents’ kind. As a nursing student it’s highly likely that you will be on your feet on the reg - do yourself and your legs a favor by having proper comfort and support.

Essentials Category 3: Nursing Specific Things

  • Scrubs

  • Lab Coats

  • Calculators

  • Study Guides

  • Clipboard

  • Stethoscopes

  • Blood Pressure Monitors

These are just a few things that you need within reach if you are a nursing student! Scrubs can be fun and customizable, and take the stress out of choosing an outfit every day. Plus, you get to feel like the future nurse you will be!

You'll also need to wear compression socks and a pair of strong yet comfortable nursing shoes to avoid putting any strain on your legs and feet when walking around the campus and hospital.

Our nursing school supplies list must also include a nursing bag. It must be of good quality, have enough compartments to hold your electronics and supplies, be easy to clean, and fashionable.

In addition to attending your science and math classes, to name a few, you will also be going through clinicals and various hands-on activities as part of your learning process. Be sure to have these things and more handy to help you through your nursing program!

Lastly, NurseDeck was created to be a community and a resource for nurses at any stage - aspiring, current, or career changers! This community is for nurses, by nurses and we have a wide range of resources and tips to help you be the best nurse you can be. Check out our site and more posts like these, and we hope you become part of our growing NurseDeck network!


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