Fall & spooky themed self care rituals for nurses

Fall is here and we couldn’t be more excited! The season that was once overlooked due to being sandwiched between beachy Summer months and the Winter holidays has seen a resurgence in recent years thanks to social media and niche treats such as the infamous PSL and pumpkin spice well… everything else! This season also brings us Halloween and Thanksgiving- which used to be blink and you miss it style holidays, especially when it comes to retail shop displays.

We’d like to commemorate Fall by sharing self care tips with a seasonal twist. Self care is important year-round, but a theme such as Fall self care makes things feel extra special and time-bound, which is definitely a plus. The great news about all of these tips is that you can either have some me time or use it to spend a day (or night) with your partner, family and/or friends!

Read on for our tips on making the most of this cozy time of year!

Self Care Activity #1: Plan a Night In! 

When you work 40+ hours a week as a nurse, the last thing you might want to do is go all out and use your precious days or nights off doing yet another thing. We hear you! The good news is, with the right elements a night in can be just as good, if not better, than a night out! So if you’re more of a homebody, this is the activity for you.

All you need is your coziest blanket and a screen! With all of the streaming options out there, you’re bound to find the perfect Fall-themed movie. Due to Halloween’s popularity in mainstream culture, not every Halloween movie is a scary one! You can watch spooky (but not scary!) classics like Casper and Hocus Pocus, or go for full on horror from movies like the Halloween/Michael Myers franchise and SAW.

This is the perfect time for inviting friends over for some Fall-themed recipes and drinks! Pro tip: root vegetables like potatoes, carrots and beets are in season and make for a hearty meal that’s perfect for your night in. This activity is also perfect for spending an evening with a partner or with family - especially if you have kids!

Self Care Activity #2: Pumpkin Carving

Speaking of a night in, nothing says Fall more than the age-old activity of carving your very own pumpkin! Pumpkins can be found at your local supermarket or at a pumpkin patch (more on that later) and makes for the perfect one and done activity. While the actual process of carving a pumpkin is messy, there is something therapeutic in working with your hands and creating your own artistic masterpiece! It could be a great way to reduce anxiety and depression.

You can either freestyle your design or print stencils online to help give you some inspiration. The added bonus of a pumpkin carving is that it serves a dual purpose as a beautiful piece of home decor. You can display your pumpkin at home or on your windowsill/stoop, and its especially nice at night if you put a candle inside. If pumpkin carving isn’t your thing, we promise not to tell anyone your secret if you decide to buy an artificial one if it makes you happy!

Self Care Activity #3: Local Events

No matter where you live, whether its a city or suburb, the beauty of Fall is that there is likely a local activity you can take part in! From sunny South Florida to the crisp Fall of the Northeast, to the mountains and plains of the Midwest and West Coast, there are still ways to get out there and experience Fall.

An added bonus is that getting some fresh air and walking out and about is a great way to get in some light exercise. Being in nature is also very grounding and great for mental health - take in the sights and enjoy your favorite Fall treat while you’re at it (like a PSL if that’s your thing). 

If you live somewhere where the leaves change color, it’s definitely a sight to see the red, orange and yellow leaves everywhere! No matter how old we get, that crunchy sound of stepping in leaves will always be satisfying, right? Many cities and towns have some form of apple picking, pumpkin patches and Fall festivals going on throughout the season as well.

Bonus: if you want more of a Halloween vibe, many local theme parks have horror nights and you can also tour haunted mansions and go for hay rides! Check out your location on sites like Eventbrite or do a quick Google search to see all of your options.

We hope that these tips helped you consider a new self-care activity or encouraged you to schedule something for yourself - or a group! Remember that self care of any kind is encouraged as long as it makes you happy and benefits you in some way, such as reducing your stress (like your physical/mental health, for example). Whether you love staying in or want to go out for a day or night on the town, we hope that you enjoy everything the Fall season brings. Stay cozy and most importantly wear a face mask and stay safe!


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